Make This: Photo Letter

Need ideas for gifts for family & friends? This photo letter is a great gift & easy to make! Find out how!

What You'll Need:

- Wooden Letter

- Acrylic Paint (Optional)

- Paint Brushes

- Mod Podge


1. If you are not already happy with the color of the letter you have then paint it!

*Make sure the paint is completely dry before continuing

2. While waiting for your paint to dry this is a great time to select and print out the pictures you want on the letter. Measure the letter to determine the best size photos to use. On your computer place your photos in a Word document and adjust the sizing accordingly.

*You can also make all of the pictures black and white here if you'd like or leave them in color

3. Print out and cut all of the pictures.

4. Lay the photos out on the letter so you get an idea of where you want the pictures to be placed.

5. Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to letter and then gently place the pictures on top.

6. Apply another thin layer of mod lodge on top of the letters.

7. Let dry completely and you're done!

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